Friday, December 28, 2012

Mario Dufour- Reflexion (1988)

Holiday post #3! This time it's a 1988 release by Mario Dufour, a collection of relaxing piano compositions in this release, called Reflexion!

Mario Dufour - Reflexion

That's it for the holiday posts! I hope everyone's holidays were great, and I wish everyone a nice vacation.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Daniel Berthiaume - The Sacred Fire, 1992 (Merry Christmas!)

Holiday Udate #2! This time, here is the 1992 release, The Sacred Fire, AKA Le Feu Sacre, by Canadian artist Daniel Berthiaume. This one is quite nice, heavy synth work here! Hope you enjoy it!

I took a look at Daniel Berthiaume's other works, too. It's nice, if I obtain any I may put them on my other blog.
Daniel Berthiaume - The Sacred Fire

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Robin Miller- Celestial Bridge, 1988 (Merry Christmas!)

Got some CD's for christmas, consider this Holiday Update #1! Here's a great release from Robin Miller, "Celestial Bridge".  I'm really enjoying this one, and I hope you do as well. I got the CD version, released on Miller's own label, Miller Music Publishing in 2000. Original tape released in 1988

Robin Miller - Celestial Bridge

If you enjoy his music, please check out his web-site at Happy Holidays, New age fans!

"Celestial music has the power to create a bridge connecting our world and our consciousness to higher spheres.  My purpose in this life is to utilize my talent to this end. As the music flows through me, my wish is for all who experience it to realize they are part of much grander design and are held in the love of spirit."
-Robin Miller